
Káva Káva pre hotel, riešenia na mieru
Káva, čaj na raňajky Eurosam


It is true that breakfast is the base of the day. It's not just about eat. An excellent cup of coffee, tea or refreshing juice – is also necessary. We will be honoured to assist you with choosing drinks and we will recommend the most suitable coffee machine for your company.

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Room servis, káva a čaj priamo v izbe

Room servis

Room service is (not only) wanted by more demanding clients. Show your guests that they are important to you. Give them comfort in the form of delicious coffee or tea in the room. Nothing does better than enjoying your favourite drink in the room and without worries.

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Riešenia pre lobby bar

Lobby bar

The lobby bar can be considered as heart of your hotel. Our long-standing experience confirms that the sale of hot drinks is the highest in lobby bar. Therefore, it is responsibility to offer guests the best. Make them sure that they are in the right place also by your offer.

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Kompletné riešenia pre nočný bar

Night bar

Give your guests a feeling of exceptional and exclusive - day and night. 😊 Offer them the unique types of coffee and tea that they do not usually get. You will be rewarded for by guests who will be glad to return.

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Služby pre Wellness


Hotel wellness is wanted place from which guests expect relaxation, carefreeness and freshness. But moments of relaxation and regeneration are inherently the moments spent with a favourite drink. Get your guests with professional services to appreciate.

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Product Configurator

Are you looking for a specific product group? Try our configurator to recommend the best solution for your business.

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Technical Support 24/7

More than ten years of experience will not allow us to advise you other than professionally and with an overview. You can contact us at any time.